We are EXCITED to announce this event! If you're a student or college minister and you're looking for something for back t...

A voice that speaks the timeless truth of God's Word for a new generation
We are EXCITED to announce this event! If you're a student or college minister and you're looking for something for back t...
The world is completely insane right now. People are freaking out and yelling at each other over things that they are passionate about. ...
I have had many talks with different people about Jesus, the Bible, and life. For some reason, there is a widespread impression that biblic...
Our churches cry for revival on a regular bases ...yet I feel this photo quote is quite accurate about most of us in the church. Oh, that...
So I posted this video today on how to have less conflict in your marriage. The main point is for you and your spouse to have a GOSPEL...
Marriage is so important! Sometimes life get's in the way of your marriage. I think one of the things we can do to help our marriage i...
Are you looking for a speaker that will challenge and engage your group? Hi! My name is Caleb Gordon and I'm a speaker, communica...
We can never forget what happened today. These men in this photo fought for FREEDOM from a evil dictator who had nothing other than dea...
We are called to be apart of a community. One of the most important things we can do as Christians is join ourselves to a group of people ...
I am sharing four different small ideas over the next several days on how to enhance and enrich our marriages. So I believe the #1 thing t...
Our culture needs men who are willing to do more than just make money and make babies. We need men who are willing to show up! Willing...