But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 Tim 3:1
The Texas church shooter who mercilessly shot dead 26 people and injured 24 others was an 'outcast' who 'preached his atheism' online.
Former classmates say Devin Patrick Kelley, 26, who stormed First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs in Texas and opened fire on Sunday, was 'creepy', 'crazy' and 'weird'.
Patrick Boyce, who attended New Braunfels High School with the killer, told DailyMail.com: 'He had a kid or two, fairly normal, but kinda quiet and lately seemed depressed.
'He was the first atheist I met. He went Air Force after high school, got discharged but I don't know why.
'I was just shocked [to hear the news]. Still haven’t quite processed how he could have done that.'
Nina Rose Nava, who went to school with the gunman, wrote on Facebook: 'In (sic) in complete shock! I legit just deleted him off my fb cause I couldn't stand his post.
'He was always talking about how people who believe in God we're stupid and trying to preach his atheism'
Kelley walked into the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs on Sunday, dressed in black, tactical gear with a ballistics belt and an assault rifle, and began shooting, according to local law enforcement sources.
Read more at the Daily Mail:
We need to understand that what's happening in our world is not a surprise to Jesus. We are warned all throughout scripture that these kinds of things would happen to Christians. We in America are struggling with this happening here because it's not something that is normal here in the States but if you talk to our brothers and sisters in the Middle East this is just normal. What blows my mind is that THE CHURCH is exploding in growth. Persecution happens and the church grows by leaps and bounds. Why? Because people that are serious about Jesus won't let some bully stop them from worshipping the God of the universe.
So take heart! I know it's dark out, but the SON is on his way!
He is a more than enough for us. Jesus is all that matters!
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