Make plans go to see this movie today!
Sex Is One Of The Biggest Weapons That Satan Uses
I just saw a stat from Ed Stetzer that said '400 Church Leaders Will Be Resigning This Sunday Because Their Name Surfaced on Ashley Mad...
Ashely Madison, Hookers, Porn Stars, Josh Dugger, and What It Reveals
SO...we've all seen how the Ashely Madison scandal has torn more stuff up in our culture. But in reality it's done something really...
Audacity - The Current Gay Culture
So I have been hearing buzz around Ray Comforts new movie Audacity...I happened to find it online, and thought I'd share it. The gay ag...
7th Planned Parenthood Video Released
So the 7th video from the anti- planned parenthood group has been released and I'm going to be blunt. IF you can watch this and you...
Is God Hearing Your Prayers?
If this does not rock you in your seat then there may be something wrong.
This Changes Everything
Matthew 5:13-16 13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no long...
Booking School Events...
Are you looking for something to encourage, challenge and inspire your students? Well, look no further. Schedule Caleb Gordon to come ...
Consider It Pure Joy
When you are going through temptations and trials do you look at this from a standpoint of pure joy? Many times we do not. Nevertheles...
Why Don’t You Like the Christians You Know?
Great 3 minutes message from Pastor Piper! In this three minutes, John Piper asks why so many Christians don’t enjoy other Christians.This ...
You Really Should Try And Outdo One Another...
So I was reading my Bible today, and this passage came across my eyes...I really love that last part of the text. OUTDO one another in s...
When Anger Becomes Dangerous
There is a time to be angry...but a lot of the time anger can be dangerous! You see Jesus said 'Be angry and sin not.' The words...
Why Men Are Important!
If we get men plugged into church we will get the rest of the family plugged into church. Men are important in the spiritual development of ...
5th Planned Parenthood Video Shared **Warning**
Today The Center for Medical Progress released its fifth video exposing the work of Planned Parenthood. WARNING*** This is graphic in natu...
If We Are Not Suffering For Christ, We Are Not Co-Heirs With Christ
Small Bible study I did the other night...
This is a MUST WATCH!
This IS Why We Have Over 70% of Students Walking Away From Church
Such a powerful message.