This past weekend I spoke for the Young Christians Weekend at Silver Dollar City. WOW! The group I was with were the young men. There ...

A voice that speaks the timeless truth of God's Word for a new generation
This past weekend I spoke for the Young Christians Weekend at Silver Dollar City. WOW! The group I was with were the young men. There ...
God has called us as believers to go make disciples, I think so many times that when we read that in the Bible we just shrug it off, and ...
The other night I went in to pray with my youngest son, Noah (5 years old). I got down on my knees and knelt beside his bed...and I beg...
The culture in which we live has fathers pushing their children to chase sports, hunting, money, fame, (fill in the blank) more than we do J...
Our church culture has taken a strange turn. Pastors are now teaching stuff that like this: 'Jesus has come so that your marriage ...
Dear Follower of #Jesus...don't allow the devil to use your past to define you. Let the light of Jesus show you who you really ar...
How should I talk to my kids about sex? from David C Cook on Vimeo . "THE TALK!" I know it's something every parent dread...
So I think sometimes we get confused as to who this guy really was...this little video might help!
So this past weekend I went to this awesome little town called Marceline, MO. I was there to speak for a men's event. When I checked i...
5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 And these words that I comm...
Have you ever just felt like all hope was just lost? Like every corner you turned just ended up at a dead end? I think every person ha...
The culture in which we live in is starting to move in a direction that is attempting to say that homosexuality is a normal and good lifesty...
I so love this message from Joe White! He is 100% spot on! Don't let the devil deceive you! Sin may be attractive, but it will kill...
I posted on my facebook this morning and said: ' When we do stuff to help others, our issues don't seem that big any longer. # ...
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself u...
I bit it hard on the ICE...but still there is a message in all of this. 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing wi...
Lecrae shares about the GLORY OF GOD!
This coming MONDAY night...there will be a gathering of MEN who are longing to follow and make much of Jesus Christ! Come join us!! Ge...
The world in which our churches currently inhabit are really weird. We are trying in the worst way to make our churches relevant and h...
I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, Eph 4:1 God h...
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, - Matthew ...