Why Positivity Wins Over Negativity Hands Down (My American Airlines Story)
I was standing in line at an airport the other day waiting to see if my canceled flight was going to be fixed. I had, had an intense whirlwind weekend and I was completely exhausted. The lady at the counter was typing in a frenzy attempting to find something for me. She looked at me with this look as if expecting me to explode on her with all my wrath. She said 'Caleb, I'm really sorry I can't get you a flight out until tomorrow morning at 7:28 AM. To which I simply said 'That's fine.' She was in shock. She kept typing. She handed me a slip of paper and said 'I got you a hotel room on us.' I smiled and said 'Thank you very much!'
You see the lady that had been in front of me was screaming and hollering about the flight being canceled and I just sat there watching and I saw the ugly. It was just awful. I did not want that to be me. Now, I'm not painting myself as a saint, I was mad too...but I made a choice. I could have flipped out and screamed about the circumstance all day long. But in reality, it was not going to get me anywhere! A smile will get you ten times further down the road than a frown. I made a choice to be positive. I made a choice to show empathy. Even though I was the one that was not going home that night. As a result, I was the one who walked out feeling happy! I met a very nice young man who drove me to my hotel room and I got to hear all about his hopes and dreams. I would not have had the opportunity had I been angry and hacked off at the situation.
I went to my hotel room and got settled in and then found my favorite burger joint (5 Guys) and just relaxed and then woke up the next morning and flew out with no issues.
Now, I know I would have still flown out, but here is the kicker! I made a choice not to be a complainer. I talk to thousands of people every year and I always tell them to take the high road. I made a decision to practice what I preach!
Today I challenge all of us to walk in that. Positivity wins over negativity hands down every time!
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