Marriage is under attack like never before, and I'm not even talking about from the homosexual community. I'm simply talking ab...

A voice that speaks the timeless truth of God's Word for a new generation
Marriage is under attack like never before, and I'm not even talking about from the homosexual community. I'm simply talking ab...
I heard these clip from David Platt and wanted to touch on this. I want you to listen to these three clips and hear what David is saying. ...
My dad killed it last night! Enjoy!
So it's Christmas Eve...and there are some folks who say Christians should not celebrate this holiday as it's a pagan tradition. ...
Isa 17:1-Isa 17:3 NIV A prophecy against Damascus: “See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins. The cities of Ar...
Pastor from New York prays and talks about Jesus, sin, and the Gospel on secular radio station.
We live in this Christian culture that puts insane examples in front of our eyes, when it comes to the idea of success. We see ministry...
Everyone I know needs to stop and take a few moments and listen to this guy! It's worth your time.
I have always been a fan of Doug Wilson when I saw this, I was very interested! What do you think? The Free Speech Apocalypse
Our end goal is not just getting black and white people in the same room. Jay-Z can do that. Our goal is to proclaim the peace and unity t...
Have you ever had to walk with difficult people??? How we show them love and treat them says volumes about us. So the above screen sho...
There seems to be a growing number of people thinking we should not celebrate Christmas , and not have Christmas Trees in our homes beca...
Why is there STILL such a massive debate over traditional worship music vs. praise and worship music? People will say ‘it’s about wor...
Dr. Piper NAILS this! I applaud you Dr. Piper!! - Tulsa, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports - |
Working on new arrangements for old songs... Posted by Jeff Listen Wann on Thursday, November 26, 2015
Good grief!! What a weekend. I spent a weekend preaching and teaching about going deeper in your walk with Jesus Christ! The people of Ch...
I got to thinking about the Syrian Refugee crisis that is happening in our country and the attacks of ISIS over this past weekend in Par...
So after seeing the news over the weekend...I totally understand that there is reason to have fear and worry...but God's word is ...
I have had many a conversations that start with 'I don't even think God likes me.' And this breaks my heart! Because that is s...
Well Monday night BIBLE study went AWESOME! We had a great group...and stunning study! God really opened up some good conversation a...
Paul Tripp nails this! Enjoy!
So over the last couple of days everyone is freaking out over Starbucks not putting a Christmas message on their cups. This really i...
I know what you're thinking... 'Caleb, how in the world could you say that??!!' Well, let me clarify! I think we get and ...
Everyone has had that feeling and that moment when it feels like your heart is outside of your skin and just a small breeze could bring y...
So if you're looking for a some great Christmas music to fill your house with...look no further....just click play and enjoy!!
So there are videos floating all over social media right show students either A. not listening to any authority, telling teachers, princ...
We are going to have a once a month Monday night Men's Bible study starting this coming Monday (November 9th at 7:00 PM.) The stud...
This song has truly encouraged and inspired me today! I hope it does you too! I have been listening to Ben Rector for years now, and he ha...
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people ...
God is in the process of using crisis in our lives to mold us and shape us into the image of Jesus Christ. Steve Farrar hits the nail on t...
The popularity of the TV series The Walking Dead on AMC is crazy. It continues to be one of the most watched shows on Cable TV. Every...
This is a message that was preached back in the 50's! And I think it is even more relevant to today than it was back then. Take 50 min...
Matt Chandler Speaks on Manhood from vids2inspire on GodTube .
This is a message I shared Sunday morning!
He shrinks to the floor in the bathroom and moves to the fetal position and begins to cry...but not loud enough for anyone to hear him. ...
We are excited to announce this little event. We are now booking the "NIGHT OF FREEDOM" Event. It's a one nigh...
This is the perfect thought on how a Christian should handle Socialism, from John Piper (<--Click here and listen to the 9 min. audi...
So if you've not seen the news... Lamar Odom took cocaine with prostitutes and now he's in a coma. What happened to this guy? ...